Use wildcards in nginx valid_referers

June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you how to Use wildcards in nginx valid_referers:

This quick post will show how we can easily allow only certain http referrers see some location using nginx. This might be useful for example if you are using nginx as a static content provider and want to not allow everyone hot-linking your images and only your own sites.

Enable WordPress MultiSite (SubDomain) With Nginx

June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you how to Enable WordPress MultiSite (SubDomain) With Nginx:

From WordPress 3.0, you have the ability to create a network of sites (Multisite). I will show you how to enable WordPress multisite (subdomain) features with nginx.

Wildcard sbdomain (DNS  + Nginx)

WordPress MultiSite feature works using wildcard subdomains, so you must also add a wildcard subdomain to your DNS records.

reverse SSH tunnel any rack app with pow and nginx

June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you about reverse SSH tunnel any rack app with pow and nginx:

Often times it’s useful to be able to access your local working copy of a Rails/Rack app from somewhere else on the internet. One common situation is wanting to demo some new work you’re hacking on to a client or another developer without having to put it into the SCM and deploy it; another we’ve run into is some external services which initiate callbacks to the app need a publicly-accessible hostname and will sometimes only work on port 80. This can be tricky to get working behind NAT, with a frequently changing IP, or with an ISP that blocks inbound port 80 connections

Set up Wildcard Subdomains on OS X

June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you how to Set up Wildcard Subdomains on OS X:

I’m tailoring my examples to OS X since that is the platform I’m running on. However, they should work on any *nix based system with some massaging.

Handle wildcard subdomains with PHP

June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you how to Handle wildcard subdomains with PHP:

Subdomains can be a very handy way to make your urls more friendly looking. They can also be incredibly useful for membership driven websites to allow members to have their own custom subdomain. But how do make manage dynamic subdomains with PHP?

There is two parts to making dynamic subdomains work in this case. The first is updating your DNS and webserver to expect wildcard requests. On the DNS side its a simple matter of adding * as an ‘A’ record, or cname pointing to the primary domain or IP. In most cases if you are using shared hosting, you’ll need to contact your hosting provider to enable wildcard DNS on your account. Otherwise if you are on a dedicated server or virtual private server, this can be most likely handled by yourself, such as editing the DNS zone in WHM.


June 24, 2011 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Here is a good tutorial show you about FCGI, wildcard VHOSTS, NGINX:

So, the rant server is slowly getting moved over to my new Xen/Enomalism based, s00per chr00ted nginx/fastcgi installation. Everything is going rather well. Safe mode didn’t break anything (so far), and smf forum was a breeze to set up again.

One neat thing I started working on was wildcard DNS based subdomains. Rant has a LOAD of different domains, all living in subdomains of the main vhost. The old method was a bunch of different vhost definitions, but since I didn’t feel like re-entering them in the new nginx method, I figured I would come up with a better way.